Monday, November 26, 2012

How to run away from first bad date

How to run away from first bad date

First dates can be tricky regardless of how you met your date, but online daters can face an even more complicated situation. Usually when going on a date with someone you’ve met online, you’re meeting for the first time. It’s nearly a blind date, but sometimes you know a lot about the person you’re meeting beforehand. In theory, this should be a factor working in your favor. You already know you have enough of a connection with your date to warrant asking them out. As any online dater will tell you, however, sometimes the connection just isn’t there. Chances are, if the first date is bad enough, both parties know it. So why spend money and time on something you hate? Since rejection can be tough to deal with, here are some ways to let ‘em down easy. Whether he’s downright rude, unattractive to you, or just not causing any heart palpitations, there are easy ways to get out of a bad first date.
How to run away from first bad date

Plans Ahead. If you’re just meeting someone in person for the first time, a good idea is to plan for a quick, low-pressure date. Try getting drinks, or going for a walk in the park. The key is to allow yourself the flexibility to decide whether or not you want to try and extend the date. If you find yourself really wanting to ditch the dude at the end, say you have plans to meet friends somewhere else. The less detailed you are, the more it sends a message that you just aren’t into him. Be forewarned, though, if he doesn’t get the hint or gets pushy, you’ll have to get more direct with him.

The “Emergency.” This tip is a little more controversial and deceptive, but if you’re in a real pinch, it can help. It’s simple. If you absolutely can’t stomach your date, head to the restroom and grab your phone. Text a couple of friends who know you’re on a date (you did tell someone you were going on a first date, right?) and ask them to call you in ten minutes. Then, make sure your phone is set to ring and head back out to your date. When your “emergency” phone call arrives, apologize profusely to your date and head for the hills. 

The Wordless Exit. To be employed in only the most dire of circumstances, this tip is simple and straightforward. If your date is openly discussing his love for beating puppies, bashing on the server, admonishing you for your stance on abortion, or anything of the like, GO. RUN. Do not say a word, do not hesitate. Life is too short for this type of thing. Leave Butthead sitting right there and walk right on out.

Follow Up. Now, after cutting off any date, depending on your level of guilt, you may have to do some essplainin’ to the date that you just ditched. Again, when you’re not having any fun on a date, both people are usually pretty bored, so there may not be any more contact from that person. However, if Miss Clingy didn’t get the message or Mr Overbearing is still clogging your inbox with invites, you’re gonna have to get more aggressive. Usually, being upfront and honest is a good tactic (yes, now is the time to be entirely honest. Remember that you already tried letting them down easy). A simple “I just don’t think we’re compatible, but best of luck in your dating” is usually a good way to say goodbye. Once you’ve done that, don’t respond to anything else they say. Anyone who hasn’t gotten it by now probably has some serious boundary issues. 

Have one of you own bad date secrets? Share it with us.

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